Archive for the ‘Music Videos’ Category

Beautiful Christmas Music Video: “In The Bleak Midwinter,” Sung By Corrinne May

December 3, 2008

This is an excellent little gem of a Christmas music video.

My web page for this video is located at – and it also contains the lyrics to the song and a MIDI music file of it.

Sometimes it happens that an outstanding piece of music is performed live by a really good singer, who is having a very good day, in a friendly, compatible setting, with a good producer and a good mental attitude. And if this combination of events occurs, sometimes the result is a one-of-a-kind great music video performance.

That is what happened here with Corrinne May’s live performance of “In The Bleak Midwinter.” First, this a recognized outstanding  Christmas carol, well loved by the professional choirmaster types, as well as by audiences. Next, Corrinne May (whom I had never heard of before I stumbed onto her at is a really good singer, who seemed to be having a very good day in a good setting with good technical support and a good mental attitude.

The result was this outstanding music video, which was inspiring and pleasing and uplifting to me, and I’m sure, to many who also have seen it. Her artistic interpretation of the piece was “right on,” and she has a pure and soothing voice I could listen to all day. Plus, she is great on the piano and good looking to watch.

I couldn’t help remembering that George Washington — father of our country — had a beautiful favorite granddaughter named Nelly Custis, who lived with him as a young woman at Mount Vernon, and frequently entertained his many guests with her excellent harpsichord playing and singing. I can well imagine Corrinne May singing and playing for George Washington and his guests, to the delight of all.

So far, this is my favorite music video of all I have seen this entire year. And I can recommend it to everyone who likes good singing and good Christian music. 

   Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director,